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Illinois Residents Have Been Saying These 11 Words for Too Long

Illinois offers a diverse range of experiences, encompassing the vibrant energy of Chicago and the serene, undulating landscapes of southern Illinois. The language spoken here reflects the state’s blend of big-city energy and rural charm.

Over the years, Illinoisans have developed their own distinct way of speaking, with certain words and phrases that are undeniably part of the local vernacular.

If you can effortlessly pronounce these 11 words, it’s clear that you’ve spent enough time in Illinois to absorb some of the local culture.

1. Pop

Forget “soda” or “Coke”—in Illinois, it’s all about “pop.” Whether you’re grabbing a cold drink at the local convenience store or chatting with your friends about what to order, you’ll always reach for a “pop.” It’s the Midwestern way of referring to carbonated beverages, and in Illinois, it’s the only way to say it.

2. Fixin’ to

“Fixin’ to” is a Southern-influenced phrase you’ll hear scattered throughout Illinois, particularly in rural areas. It means you’re about to do something, whether it’s going to the store or preparing a meal. “I’m fixin’ to head out” or “I’m fixin’ to make dinner” are common ways to indicate something is about to happen. It’s a versatile phrase and adds a casual, relaxed vibe to any conversation.

3. Tump

In Illinois, especially in the southern parts of the state, you might hear someone say something “tumped over.” This means something has fallen or tipped over, like spilling your drink or knocking over a vase. “Tump” is a distinctly Midwestern word that locals use without thinking twice, but for outsiders, it might sound a little odd.

4. Cubs or Sox?

Illinoisans are fiercely loyal to their baseball teams, and no discussion about sports is complete without talking about the Chicago Cubs or the Chicago White Sox. While this isn’t a word per se, the sheer importance of this question (“Cubs or Sox?”) is part of the Illinois lexicon. If you know which team you support without hesitation, you’re definitely an Illinois native.

5. Chicagoland

If You Can Say These 11 Words, You’ve Definitely Lived in Illinois Too Long

If you’ve spent time in the greater Chicago area, you’ve definitely heard the term “Chicagoland.” This refers to the metropolitan area around the city of Chicago, including its suburbs and surrounding towns. It’s used to describe everything from the city’s neighborhoods to its cultural and economic reach. If you’re talking about “Chicagoland” like it’s second nature, you’ve probably spent a lot of time in the Windy City.

6. Illinois-uh

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This one is all about pronunciation. While many people around the world pronounce Illinois simply as “Ill-i-noise,” in Illinois, the local version has a little extra flair: “Ill-i-nois-uh.” It’s a subtle distinction that comes from years of familiarity with the state. Once you’ve dropped that extra “uh,” you’re officially a local.

7. Bubbler

If you’re from northern Illinois or areas with a large Wisconsin influence, you might use the term “bubbler” to refer to a water fountain. It’s not a universal term, but it’s common enough in Illinois, especially near the state’s northern borders. If you find yourself asking for a “bubbler” instead of a “water fountain,” you might have lived in Illinois just a little too long.

8. The 4th of July Parade

Illinois is known for its small-town charm, and many local communities take their Independence Day parades very seriously. If you’ve lived in Illinois long enough, you’ve probably attended a local “4th of July parade,” which often includes everything from fire trucks to marching bands, and even the occasional tractor. These parades are deeply woven into the state’s traditions, and if you’re part of the crowd, it’s a sure sign you’ve embraced Illinois culture.

9. Shovel the Sidewalk

During the snowy months, residents of Illinois are well-versed in the art of snow removal. “Shovel the sidewalk” is an everyday task during winter, especially in suburban and rural areas where snow accumulation can make walking treacherous. If you know this term like the back of your hand, you’ve definitely experienced at least one harsh Illinois winter.

10. Hotdog with Everything

A Chicago-style hotdog is a culinary tradition in Illinois, and if you’ve spent time in the state, you know exactly what that means. A hotdog with everything typically refers to a Chicago-style hotdog: a steamed poppy seed bun, all-beef hotdog, mustard, relish, onion, tomato, sport peppers, a pickle spear, and a dash of celery salt. If you can order one confidently and know exactly how it should be prepared, you’re a true Illinoisan.

11. The Dan Ryan or The Ike

Illinois has a unique way of referring to highways. Locals don’t say “Interstate 90” or “Interstate 290”—they simply refer to them by their names. The Dan Ryan Expressway (I-90) and the Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) are two major highways that connect the city and suburbs. If you’re the type to say, “I’m taking The Dan Ryan” instead of “I-90,” you’re deep in Illinois territory.

Whether you live in the bustling city of Chicago or in the quieter corners of the state, Illinois has its own distinct language, full of regional quirks and cultural influences.

From the way you say “pop” to your devotion to the Cubs or Sox, these 11 words and phrases are a surefire sign that you’ve lived in Illinois too long. So, if you can say these words with ease, it’s time to embrace your Illinois roots—you’re officially a local!

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