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Military weapon among dozens of firearms seized in Southern California

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office said deputies seized a cache of dozens of firearms and gun parts, including at least one weapon designed for military use, in Camarillo on Tuesday.

As detailed in a news release, 38-year-old Jaqueline Randall of Camarillo was identified as a suspect in an assault with a deadly weapon incident in February, and investigators “discovered the weapon used during the aforementioned crime was an assault weapon.”

Investigators searched her vehicles, home and property, and she was detained while in her vehicle.

Also detained was Camarillo resident Timothy Creech, 58, who was also in Randall’s car, investigators said. Creech, a convicted felon, is prohibited from possessing ammunition or firearms.

In Randall’s vehicle, investigators found “ammunition and a usable amount of methamphetamine,” leading to charges against Creech of being a felon in possession of ammunition, possession of a controlled substance and being under the influence of a controlled substance.

At Randall’s residence, deputies found “a 9mm handgun, hundreds of rounds of various caliber ammunition as well as numerous high-capacity rifle and pistol magazines,” the release said.

That wasn’t all they found, however, as “detectives obtained information that a large cache of weapons, magazines and ammunition had been transported to a storage unit in the City of Camarillo prior to the warrant service.”

In that storage unit, officials found 42 firearms, including an Intratec TEC-9 pistol, an AK-47-style rifle with a bayonet and collapsible stock, and “several thousand rounds of various caliber rifle and pistol ammunition … and hundreds of high-capacity magazines,” the release said.

AR-59 and TEC-9
Mark Koscielski and Barbara Bergstrom exhibit two extremes of the gun dealers inventory: an AR-50, the civilian version of the .50 caliber military sniper rifle, and an AB 10 (formerly and popularly known as the TEC-9), a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol, on Dec. 14, 2000. (Duane Braley/Star Tribune via Getty Images)

Perhaps most notably, detectives found an ArmaLite AR-50 anti-materiel rifle chambered in .50 caliber Browning Machine Gun ammunition.

This rifle is “designed and engineered specifically to engage and destroy vehicles, aircraft, fortifications and other hardened targets which require a high level of penetration and stopping power,” the VCSO explained. It uses the same ammunition as the M2 Browning machine gun, which has been used by militaries since 1933.

Investigators also found “several hundred rounds of .50 caliber BMG.”

Randall was arrested for unlawful transfer of a firearm and possession of a .50 BMG rifle.

Both were booked into the Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility, though jail records indicate they’ve been released.

No information about upcoming court dates was available.

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