Bald eagle chick’s ‘sharpshooter’ moment nails mom in the face
A gross yet totally relatable parenting moment unfolded on Friends of Big Bear Valley’s bald eagle camera on Thursday.
Jackie, the adult female, was enjoying some fresh fish when one of her chicks “fired off a poop shot” right into her face.
“And the sharpshooter award goes to… Little Bit,” FOBBV joked in a social media post that included a slow-motion video of the incident. “Poor Jackie. Soon she will be wearing a full face shield when feeding the kids.”

Jackie, however, seemed totally unphased and continued eating and feeding her chicks as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Managers of the nonprofit said this was the second day in a row that the same eagle chick pooped on her mom.
“Luckily “it’s just a baby” 😆 and will get away with it,” FOBBV wrote. “Isn’t it truly a blessing to be able to watch all these milestones these two darling eaglets are accomplishing?”
Jackie and her mate, Shadow, have captivated millions around the globe through a live-streaming nest camera on YouTube. Three of their eggs hatched in early March, but only two chicks survived.