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California self-defense bill ridiculed by GOP withdrawn

A law proposed by a Los Angeles-area Democrat that would have narrowed the scope of when someone could use lethal force in an act of self-defense has been withdrawn, the bill’s sponsor announced on Wednesday.

In a statement posted on his website, Assemblymember Rich Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) insisted that “misleading information has fueled fear and confusion,” prompting him to pull AB 1333.

His bill sought to “clarify circumstances” in which killing someone during an act of self-defense would not be legally justified, including when someone uses more force than necessary.

AB 1333, however, proved to be red meat for conservatives who derided it as yet another soft-on-crime measure from California Democrats. Riverside County Sheriff and California gubernatorial candidate Chad Bianco argued the legislation would essentially make self-defense against criminals illegal.

“Sacramento Democrats have spent the last 15 years tying the hands of law enforcement and coddling criminals, using and abusing ordinary Californians in their attempt to make criminals the real victims,” Bianco said in a statement. “Now, they’re actively trying to tie the hands of our residents, who have had to defend themselves against re-released career criminals far too often.”

Assembly GOP Leader James Gallagher, in an announcement on Thursday morning, said the bill was pulled “because of the pressure that we called out – and because of the public calling out, District Attorneys calling out.”

Zbur, meanwhile, stands by the goals of his bill.

“Protecting public safety has always been my top priority. AB 1333 sought to close a dangerous legal loophole that could allow armed aggressors to initiate confrontations in public, kill their victims, and then exploit self-defense laws to escape accountability,” Zbur said. “I remain committed to keeping our communities safe and will continue working with law enforcement, legal experts, and public and gun safety advocates to advance smart policies that protect victims and safeguard the right to self defense.”

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