Day Care Worker Under Investigation After Family Claims Child Was Punished with Trash Can
A 4-year-old kid was put in a garbage can by a staff member at the Learning Lab day care center in Homewood, Illinois, in a concerning occurrence.
The disturbing incident, which was captured on security footage, has angered the boy’s parents and prompted significant inquiries over the behavior of daycare providers.
According to the boy’s parents, Monica and Anthony Forte, who are upset and shocked by the incident, their son has grown more clingy and emotionally connected as a result of it. The staff member who committed the conduct said it was meant as a joke, according to the parents.
The Fortes, on the other hand, vehemently reject this explanation, stating that such conduct is totally wrong. “Regardless if she was joking or not, you don’t put anybody’s child in the garbage can,” said Monica Forte. “You deal with children. You have to realize that they ought to be able to defuse these particular circumstances.
The disturbing scenario in the classroom, where other kids were present at the time, was captured on camera. Two more daycare workers might have seen the incident, according to the footage.
“Regardless if she was joking or not, you don’t put anybody’s child in the garbage can,” the boy’s mother, Monica Forte, stated. “You work with kids. I mean, you have to learn they should know how to deescalate these certain situations.”
But nobody told the boy’s parents what had transpired. The parents were even more frustrated and heartbroken because they didn’t find out until their kid told them about it.
The Fortes, who have been taking their kid to the Learning Lab for almost two years, were not happy with the daycare’s initial answer.
The parents feel that disciplinary action should be done against the other employees who witnessed what happened but chose not to intervene or report it, even though they were told that the worker who threw their kid in the garbage can had been fired.
“It was just way worse than I can imagine,” Justin Barnes, the child’s father, stated. “I can just imagine what was going through his head.”
In a subsequent statement, the daycare center acknowledged the event and affirmed their collaboration with law police and other investigative agencies. As part of their reaction to the matter, they also disclosed that a second employee had been let go.
The Fortes have not ruled out taking the Learning Lab to court. In order to hold someone accountable for the act and the pain it caused their kid, they are thinking of bringing a legal lawsuit.
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“When I reviewed the tape, my first thing was, of course I’m crying and I immediately went to the police station,” Forte stated.
The event, which is still being investigated, has brought to light how crucial it is that child care providers receive thorough training in de-escalation tactics and how to keep children in a respectful and safe atmosphere.
The Fortes hope their experience will serve as a warning, encouraging daycare facilities to be more accountable for the welfare of the kids in their charge.