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Robots run this convenience store 24/7

Move over big box stores. VenHub is a new concept in retailing – fully automated convenience stores run 24/7 by robots.

“No employees, open 24 hours a day, safe and secure shopping for the consumer,” started Shahan Ohanessian, CEO of VenHub. “It’s never been done in the history of the world.”

VenHub automates the entire shopping process.

“Unattended retail in the next 10 years will be the dominating force of the retail world,” said Ohanessian.

We visited one of their first locations on a busy street in North Hollywood. The store looks like a mix of a vending machine put into a shipping contaner – it’s brightly lit with shoppable products on display through the windows.

To start, you download the VenHub app and login. The process could be a bit quicker as there are no options to login as a guest or use a third party login like Google or Apple, but I’m told those are coming soon.

Then, just scroll and choose the products you want. I’m told AI will suggest items as the system gets smarter about your purchase history.

The prices are very reasonable (at least for now).

Then, it’s a few taps to check out (they do support Apple Pay and Google Pay!). Finaly, the fun part, it’s time to watch the robots get to work.

They spring into action, retrieving your items and placing them in one of four collection areas.

Through the thick glass, it’s a well cheorgrahped dance. Dual robots retrieve items and even swap out their tools to go from gripper to suction cup, depending on the item. The refrigerated doors slide open automatically.

Once items are placed in a collection area, you get a notification your order is ready. Then, you scan a QR code and a door opens so you can retrieve your stuff. Bring your own bag since there weren’t any available.

A VenHub location starts at about $250,000.

“If you had financed the entire store and rented 4 parking spaces (the area it needs to operate), it still costs less than half an employee per month cost but [you’re] able to be open 24 hours a day,” said Ohanessian.

The company has over 800 pre-orders for their automated vending hub, with locations planned for Southern California, as well as Las Vegas and the East Coast.

It’s convenient and efficient, but you got to wonder about the human cost.

“Yes, there are certain jobs being eliminated, but there’s a whole bunch of other jobs that are being created,” concluded Ohanessian.

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