Editorial Policy

At Ridgecrestpact, we try to cover news and events in Ridgecrest and the nearby areas in a way that is accurate, fair, and unbiased. Our editorial team is made up of experienced journalists who follow the greatest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethics.

We will focus on local news and events in Ridgecrest, such as crime, politics, education, business, and culture. We will write about things that are important to the people of Ridgecrest and try to give a thorough, factual explanation of those things.

We will always try to make sure our reporting is correct, full, and clear, and if mistakes are found, we will fix them. We will also try to make sure that our news stories are told in a way that is fair and doesn’t favor any one point of view or group of people.

Our editing team will make sure there are no conflicts of interest, and if there are any, our readers will know about them. We’ll also keep our editorial decisions separate from those of marketers, sponsors, and other interested parties.

We want to hear from our readers, and we will answer their questions and address their issues. We will also try to show the diversity of the Ridgecrest community in our reporting and give a voice to many different people and ideas.

Overall, our goal is to give the people of Ridgecrest and the rest of the community a source of news and information that is dependable, interesting, and useful.