Missouri is the Most Dangerous State in the Country if You’re a Black Woman

Missouri is the Most Dangerous State in the Country if You’re a Black Woman

Missouri is a state that has been plagued by violence and crime for decades. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Missouri is the most dangerous state in the country if you’re a Black woman.

A Black woman is five times more likely to be killed in Missouri than in New York, according to the CDC. In 2020, Missouri had the second-highest homicide rate for Black women and girls, with 28.8 deaths per 100,000 population. This is more than double the national average of 13.4 deaths per 100,000 population.

The causes and consequences of violence against Black women

The reasons behind this alarming trend are complex and multifaceted. Some of the factors that contribute to violence against Black women include poverty, racism, sexism, lack of education, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and police brutality. These factors create a cycle of trauma and oppression that affects not only the victims but also their families and communities.

The consequences of violence against Black women are devastating and long-lasting. They include physical injuries, psychological distress, social isolation, economic hardship, reproductive health problems, and increased risk of HIV/AIDS. Violence against Black women also undermines their human rights and dignity as equal members of society.

The solutions and actions needed to end violence against Black women

To end violence against Black women, there is a need for comprehensive and coordinated efforts from various stakeholders at different levels. Some of the solutions and actions that have been proposed or implemented include:

1.) Increasing funding and resources for prevention programs that address the root causes of violence against Black women.

2.) Providing access to quality health care services that address the physical and mental health needs of survivors of violence.

3.) Supporting legal aid and advocacy organizations that help survivors navigate the justice system and seek compensation for their losses.

4.) Promoting education and awareness campaigns that challenge stereotypes and prejudices that fuel violence against Black women.

5.) Enhancing community engagement and empowerment initiatives that foster solidarity and resilience among survivors of violence.

6.) Implementing policies and laws that protect the rights and safety of Black women from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and abuse by law enforcement officers.


Missouri is a state that has a serious problem with violence against its Black population. This problem affects not only individual lives but also social justice and human development. It is imperative that we take action to end this problem by addressing its causes and consequences through evidence-based solutions. We must also recognize our collective responsibility to uphold the dignity and rights of all people regardless of their race or gender.


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