Surprise! New York Named America’s Most Corrupt States, Again

Surprise! New York Named America’s Most Corruapt States, Again

New York is known for many things: the Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Wall Street, pizza. But it also has a dubious distinction: it is the most corrupt state in America, according to various sources.

How is corruption measured?

There is no definitive way to measure corruption, but some indicators can help compare different states. One of them is the number of public corruption convictions, which reflects how often public officials are caught and prosecuted for abusing their power for personal gain.

Another is the number of adverse action reports, which are complaints filed against licensed professionals for misconduct or negligence. A third is the number of medical malpractice reports, which are claims of injury or death caused by a health care provider’s error or negligence.

A fourth is the S.W.A.M.P. index, which stands for State Working to Account for Misconduct and Protect whistleblowers, and evaluates how well states protect public integrity and transparency. A fifth is the state integrity score, which assesses how well states prevent, expose and punish corruption.

How does New York rank?

According to the data from the web search results, New York ranks poorly on all these indicators. It has the highest number of public corruption convictions per 10,000 residents, with 11. It also has the highest number of adverse action reports filed from 1990 to 2020, with 28,013.

It has the third-highest number of medical malpractice reports filed from 1990 to 2020, with 61,363. It has a low S.W.A.M.P. index score of 56 out of 100, and a mediocre state integrity score of 61 out of 100. Its corruption index score, which combines all these indicators, is 11.44, the highest among all states.

Why is New York so corrupt?

There is no simple answer to why New York is so corrupt, but some factors may contribute to the problem. One is the concentration of power and money in the state, especially in New York City, which attracts ambitious and greedy individuals who may be tempted to exploit their positions for personal gain.

Another is the lack of effective oversight and accountability mechanisms, such as independent ethics commissions, campaign finance regulations, whistleblower protections, and open records laws, which allow corruption to go unchecked and unpunished. A third is the culture of corruption, which may be ingrained in the political system and the public psyche, making corruption seem normal and acceptable.

What can be done to reduce corruption?

There is no easy solution to reduce corruption, but some steps can be taken to improve the situation. One is to strengthen the legal and institutional frameworks that deter, detect and prosecute corruption, such as enhancing the powers and resources of anti-corruption agencies, enforcing stricter penalties for corrupt acts, and increasing the transparency and accountability of public officials and institutions.

Another is to foster a culture of integrity and civic engagement, such as educating the public and the media about the costs and consequences of corruption, encouraging the participation and oversight of civil society and watchdog groups, and promoting the values and norms of honesty, fairness and public service.


New York is the most corrupt state in America, according to various sources. This is a serious problem that undermines the quality of democracy, the rule of law, and the public trust. To address this problem, New York needs to implement comprehensive and effective reforms that combat corruption at all levels and in all sectors. Only then can New York live up to its reputation as the Empire State.


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