This New Hampshire City Has Been Named the Highest Cancer Rates in the State

This New Hampshire City Has Been Named the Highest Cancer Rates in the State

New Hampshire’s cancer statistics present a mixed picture, with some areas faring better than others. According to data from State Cancer Profiles, New Hampshire has above-average incidence rates for various cancers, including bladder, breast, and skin melanoma, but boasts lower-than-average mortality rates for breast, skin melanoma, and prostate cancers. However, one city in the state stands out for having the highest cancer rates: Manchester.

The Cancer Situation in Manchester

Manchester, New Hampshire’s largest city with a population of approximately 112,000 residents, shoulders the highest cancer burden in the state, as indicated by the New Hampshire Cancer Report Card. This report, published by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services in 2009, ranked Manchester as the most affected among the state’s 13 cities for both cancer incidence and mortality.

The report card revealed that Manchester had an age-adjusted incidence rate of 543.9 per 100,000 people for all cancers, in contrast to the state average of 476.0 and the national average of 442.3. For all cancers, Manchester’s age-adjusted mortality rate was 211.7 per 100,000 people, while the state and national averages were 178.9 and 171.2, respectively.

Manchester exhibited higher-than-average incidence and mortality rates for several major cancer types, including bladder, breast, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers. The sole exception was melanoma of the skin, where Manchester reported lower-than-average incidence and mortality rates.

Potential Causes and Remedies

While the report card did not offer specific reasons for Manchester’s elevated cancer rates, several potential factors could contribute:

  1. Socioeconomic Status: Manchester’s 2019 statistics showed a lower median household income and a higher poverty rate compared to state and national averages. Low socioeconomic status can be associated with a heightened cancer risk and limited access to healthcare and preventive services.
  2. Environmental Exposure: Situated in an industrial area with numerous factories and power plants, Manchester residents may face exposure to air pollution, water contamination, and occupational hazards that increase the cancer risk.
  3. Behavioral Factors: Although Manchester reported lower-than-average rates of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity compared to state and national averages in 2019, these rates still exceeded recommended levels, contributing to cancer risk. Additionally, the city displayed lower-than-average rates of cancer screening and vaccination, impacting early detection and prevention.

To reduce the cancer burden in Manchester, potential solutions include:

  1. Enhancing Access to Healthcare and Preventive Services: Offering affordable, quality healthcare, insurance coverage, and transportation to residents can help improve access to cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. Raising awareness and education regarding the benefits of cancer screening and vaccination can also encourage more individuals to participate in preventive measures.
  2. Mitigating Environmental Exposure: Implementing stricter regulations and monitoring of industrial emissions, waste disposal, and water quality can reduce exposure to carcinogens and pollutants in Manchester. Promoting green spaces, renewable energy, and public transportation can enhance air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Promoting Healthy Behaviors: Supporting policies and programs that facilitate smoking cessation, healthy eating, physical activity, and sun protection can lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases in Manchester. Access to healthy food, recreation facilities, and tobacco-free environments can foster healthy lifestyle choices.

In Conclusion

Manchester grapples with a significant cancer burden, marked by elevated incidence and mortality rates for most major cancer types. Possible contributing factors include socioeconomic status, environmental exposure, and behavioral factors. Addressing these factors through enhanced access to healthcare, reduced environmental exposure, and the promotion of healthy behaviors can potentially lead to improved cancer outcomes and a higher quality of life for Manchester’s residents.


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