This Place is Now Called the "Unhealthiest City" in California

This Place is Now Called the “Unhealthiest City” in California

California is known for its sunny weather, cultural diversity, and healthy lifestyle choices. However, not all cities in the state enjoy the same level of health and wellness. According to a list compiled by 24/7 Wall St., the most unhealthy city in California is Bakersfield.

What Makes Bakersfield Unhealthy?

Bakersfield faces several public health challenges that contribute to its poor ranking. Some of the factors that make Bakersfield unhealthy are:

Poor Air Quality: Bakersfield has the highest annual average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers levels above 12 micrograms per cubic meter as unhealthy, whereas Bakersfield’s measurement stands at 18.2 micrograms per cubic meter. Exposure to PM2.5 can cause respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

High Obesity Rates: The city’s obesity rate is 35.7%, significantly higher than both California’s average of 25.8% and the national average of 28.8%. Obesity is associated with increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

Smoking Prevalence: With a smoking rate of 16.4%, Bakersfield exceeds both the state (11.2%) and national averages (15.5%). Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, causing more than 480,000 deaths per year.

Physical Inactivity: The city reports a high prevalence of physical inactivity at 25.9%, surpassing both the state average of 16.9% and the national average of 22.4%. Physical inactivity can lead to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and depression.

Access to Healthcare: Bakersfield faces challenges in healthcare accessibility, with a ratio of primary care physicians to residents being 1,389:1, lower than both the state and national averages. Access to healthcare is essential for preventing, diagnosing, and treating various health conditions.

Premature Mortality: The city has a higher premature death rate than both state and national averages, with 432.4 deaths per 100,000 residents compared to California’s average of 309.9 and the national average of 333.7. Premature mortality is an indicator of the overall health status of a population.

How Can Bakersfield Improve Its Health?

Bakersfield’s status as the unhealthiest city in California highlights significant public health challenges. Addressing these concerns requires a comprehensive approach, encompassing both policy interventions and community-based health initiatives. Some of the possible solutions are:

Improving Air Quality: Bakersfield can adopt stricter emission standards, promote alternative transportation modes, and invest in renewable energy sources to reduce air pollution. The city can also implement air quality monitoring and alert systems, and provide education and awareness programs to the public.

Reducing Obesity Rates: Bakersfield can implement policies and programs that encourage healthy eating and physical activity among its residents. For example, the city can increase the availability and affordability of fresh fruits and vegetables, create safe and accessible spaces for recreation and exercise, and support school-based nutrition and physical education programs.

Preventing Smoking: Bakersfield can adopt measures that discourage smoking and help smokers quit. For example, the city can increase the price and tax of tobacco products, enforce smoke-free laws in public places, and provide free or low-cost cessation services and resources to smokers.

Increasing Physical Activity: Bakersfield can create a culture of physical activity among its residents by providing opportunities and incentives for them to be more active. For example, the city can organize community events and campaigns that promote physical activity, such as walkathons, bike rides, and fitness challenges. The city can also partner with employers, schools, and health care providers to offer physical activity programs and benefits to their employees, students, and patients.

Enhancing Access to Healthcare: Bakersfield can improve its healthcare system by increasing the supply and distribution of primary care physicians, especially in underserved areas. The city can also expand the coverage and affordability of health insurance, and facilitate the enrollment and retention of eligible residents in public health programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare.

Reducing Premature Mortality: Bakersfield can reduce its premature death rate by addressing the underlying causes and risk factors of the leading causes of death in the city, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory diseases. The city can also improve the quality and accessibility of palliative and end-of-life care for terminally ill patients.


Bakersfield is the unhealthiest city in California, according to a list compiled by 24/7 Wall St. The city faces multiple public health challenges, such as poor air quality, high obesity rates, smoking prevalence, physical inactivity, access to healthcare, and premature mortality. To improve its health status, the city needs to implement a comprehensive and coordinated approach, involving both policy interventions and community-based health initiatives. By doing so, Bakersfield can enhance the health and well-being of its residents, and contribute to the overall health focus of California.


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