Weed Consumption Rates in This California State County Are Off the Charts

Weed Consumption Rates in This California State County Are Off the Charts

California is known for its liberal stance on cannabis, being the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 and recreational marijuana in 2016. However, not all counties in the Golden State have the same level of cannabis consumption. In fact, one county stands out for its exceptionally high rates of weed use: Humboldt County.

Humboldt County: The Heart of the Emerald Triangle

Humboldt County is located in the northwestern part of California, along the Pacific coast. It is part of the region known as the Emerald Triangle, which also includes Mendocino and Trinity counties. The Emerald Triangle is famous for its cannabis cultivation, producing some of the finest and most potent strains of marijuana in the world.

According to the 2020 Census, Humboldt County has a population of about 135,000 people, making it one of the least populated counties in California. However, it also has one of the highest rates of cannabis consumption in the state, if not the country.

According to a 2018 study by BDS Analytics, a cannabis market research firm, Humboldt County had the highest percentage of active cannabis consumers among adults aged 21 and over, at 29%. This means that nearly one in three adults in Humboldt County used cannabis at least once in the past six months. The state average was 20%, while the national average was 12%.

Why is Weed Use So High in Humboldt County?

There are several factors that may explain why Humboldt County has such a high rate of cannabis consumption. One of them is the long history and culture of cannabis cultivation and consumption in the region. The Emerald Triangle has been a hub for marijuana growers since the 1960s, when hippies and counterculture activists moved to the area to escape the urbanization and social unrest of the cities.

They found a fertile and secluded land, where they could grow cannabis plants without much interference from law enforcement or neighbors. Over the decades, the cannabis industry in the Emerald Triangle grew and diversified, attracting more growers, workers, and consumers from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Today, cannabis is deeply ingrained in the identity and economy of Humboldt County, generating millions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs.

Another factor that may contribute to the high rate of cannabis consumption in Humboldt County is the availability and accessibility of cannabis products. Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in 2016, the cannabis market in California has expanded and diversified, offering a wide range of products, from flowers and edibles to oils and concentrates.

Humboldt County has a large number of licensed dispensaries, delivery services, and farmers’ markets, where consumers can easily and legally purchase cannabis products of their choice. Moreover, Humboldt County has some of the lowest cannabis prices in the state, due to the abundance and quality of the local supply.

According to a 2020 report by the California Department of Public Health, the average price of an ounce of cannabis flower in Humboldt County was $206, compared to $299 in the state and $326 in the nation.

A third factor that may influence the high rate of cannabis consumption in Humboldt County is the social and environmental context of the region. Humboldt County is known for its natural beauty and diversity, with scenic landscapes, rich wildlife, and mild climate.

It is also known for its progressive and diverse community, with a strong sense of social and environmental justice, artistic expression, and alternative lifestyles. These factors may create a favorable environment for cannabis consumption, as a way of enhancing one’s well-being, creativity, and connection with nature and others.

What are the Implications of High Weed Consumption in Humboldt County?

The high rate of cannabis consumption in Humboldt County may have both positive and negative implications for the region and its residents. On the positive side, cannabis consumption may have some benefits for one’s health, such as relieving pain, anxiety, insomnia, and other conditions.

Cannabis consumption may also have some benefits for one’s social and economic well-being, such as creating a sense of community, generating income, and supporting local businesses. Furthermore, cannabis consumption may have some benefits for one’s environmental and cultural awareness, such as promoting organic and sustainable farming practices, preserving the heritage and diversity of the region, and fostering artistic and intellectual expression.

On the negative side, cannabis consumption may also have some risks and challenges for one’s health, such as impairing memory, attention, and coordination, increasing the likelihood of addiction, and exacerbating mental health issues. Cannabis consumption may also have some risks and challenges for one’s social and economic well-being, such as creating conflict, violence, and crime, reducing productivity and educational attainment, and increasing the cost of living.

Moreover, cannabis consumption may have some risks and challenges for one’s environmental and cultural integrity, such as damaging the natural resources and habitats, contributing to pollution and waste, and eroding the identity and values of the region.


Humboldt County is a unique and remarkable place, with a high rate of cannabis consumption that reflects its history, culture, and context. Cannabis consumption may have both positive and negative impacts on the region and its residents, depending on how it is used, regulated, and perceived. As the cannabis industry and market continue to evolve and grow in California and beyond, Humboldt County may face new opportunities and challenges, requiring a balanced and informed approach to ensure the well-being and sustainability of the region and its people.


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