White Christian Nationalism Threatens U.S. Democracy

White Christian Nationalism Threatens U.S. Democracy

White Christian nationalism is a political ideology that claims that the United States is a Christian nation, founded on biblical principles, and destined by God to fulfill a special role in history. It also asserts that white Christians are the true heirs of this nation, and that they have the right and duty to preserve its religious and racial identity against the threats of multiculturalism, secularism, immigration, and liberalism.

White Christian nationalism is not a new phenomenon, but it has gained prominence and influence in recent years, especially during the presidency of Donald Trump, who was seen by many of his supporters as a divinely appointed leader who would restore America’s greatness and Christian values. The ideology was also a key factor behind the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump loyalists, many of them waving Christian flags and symbols, stormed the building in an attempt to overturn the election results that favored Joe Biden.

White Christian nationalism poses a serious threat to U.S. democracy, as it undermines the core principles of pluralism, equality, and human rights that are essential for a free and diverse society. In this article, we will examine three ways that white Christian nationalism threatens U.S. democracy: by eroding the separation of church and state, by promoting authoritarianism and violence, and by fostering social division and exclusion.

Eroding the Separation of Church and State

One of the main threats that white Christian nationalism poses to U.S. democracy is that it erodes the separation of church and state, which is a fundamental constitutional principle that guarantees the freedom of religion and conscience for all Americans, regardless of their faith or lack thereof.

White Christian nationalists seek to impose their religious beliefs and values on the public sphere, and to use the power of the state to advance their agenda. They advocate for policies and laws that favor Christianity over other religions, such as banning abortion, restricting LGBTQ+ rights, teaching creationism in schools, displaying the Ten Commandments in courthouses, and privileging Christian symbols and holidays in public spaces.

By doing so, white Christian nationalists violate the rights and interests of those who do not share their faith, or who have different interpretations of Christianity. They also undermine the diversity and tolerance that are essential for a healthy democracy, where people of different backgrounds and perspectives can coexist and cooperate. Moreover, they endanger the integrity and legitimacy of the state, which should be neutral and impartial in matters of religion, and not favor or endorse any particular faith or denomination.

Promoting Authoritarianism and Violence

Another way that white Christian nationalism threatens U.S. democracy is that it promotes authoritarianism and violence, which are antithetical to the democratic values of liberty, justice, and peace. White Christian nationalists support political leaders who espouse their religious values, and who are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals, even if they violate the rule of law, the norms of civility, and the will of the people. They also justify and condone the use of force and violence against their perceived enemies, such as liberals, minorities, immigrants, and journalists, whom they regard as evil, sinful, and traitorous.

This was evident in the Jan. 6 insurrection, where white Christian nationalists participated in a violent attempt to overthrow the democratic process and to keep Trump in power, despite his clear defeat in the 2020 election. They also displayed signs of extremism, such as carrying weapons, wearing military gear, chanting slogans, and making gestures that were associated with white supremacy, militia groups, and conspiracy theories.

The insurrection was not an isolated incident, but rather a culmination of a long history of white Christian nationalist violence, which includes acts of terrorism, hate crimes, and intimidation against various targets, such as abortion clinics, mosques, synagogues, and Black churches.

Fostering Social Division and Exclusion

A third way that white Christian nationalism threatens U.S. democracy is that it fosters social division and exclusion, which are detrimental to the social cohesion and solidarity that are necessary for a functioning democracy. White Christian nationalists view themselves as the true and rightful owners of the nation, and as the only legitimate and moral citizens.

They also view others who do not fit their narrow criteria of identity and belonging, such as people of color, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, atheists, and progressives, as outsiders, invaders, and enemies, who threaten their status and interests. They seek to exclude and marginalize these groups from the political and social life of the nation, and to deny them equal rights and opportunities.

This creates a climate of fear, hostility, and resentment, which undermines the trust and cooperation that are essential for a democratic society, where people can work together to solve common problems and to pursue common goals.

It also weakens the sense of national identity and unity, which should be based on shared values and principles, rather than on racial or religious homogeneity. Furthermore, it hinders the ability of the nation to adapt and thrive in a changing and globalized world, where diversity and inclusion are sources of strength and innovation.


White Christian nationalism is a political ideology that threatens U.S. democracy, as it erodes the separation of church and state, promotes authoritarianism and violence, and fosters social division and exclusion. It is a distorted and dangerous version of Christianity, which contradicts the teachings and example of Jesus, who preached love, justice, and peace for all people, regardless of their race, religion, or status.

It is also a misguided and harmful version of patriotism, which betrays the ideals and values of the American founding, which envisioned a nation of liberty and equality for all people, regardless of their faith or lack thereof.

As Americans who cherish democracy, we must reject and resist white Christian nationalism, and its attempts to undermine our constitutional system and our social fabric. We must also affirm and defend the principles and practices of democracy, such as the rule of law, the separation of powers, the freedom of expression, the right to vote, and the peaceful transfer of power. And we must also embrace and celebrate the diversity and pluralism of our nation, which enrich our culture and our democracy, and which reflect the beauty and the dignity of God’s creation.


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