This Wyoming City Has Been Named the Highest Cancer Rates in the State

This Wyoming City Has Been Named the Highest Cancer Rates in the State

Wyoming, with its low population density and high elevation, presents a unique context that may impact its cancer statistics. According to the Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program (WCSP), a statewide cancer registry, Wyoming boasts a lower overall cancer incidence rate than the national average but a higher mortality rate. This indicates that while Wyoming residents are less likely to be diagnosed with cancer, they are unfortunately more likely to succumb to it.

What are the factors that influence cancer rates in Wyoming?

Several factors influence cancer rates, including genetics, lifestyle, environmental exposures, screening practices, and access to healthcare. Geographical variations within the state can also lead to differing cancer rates among its counties and cities.

For instance, Wyoming has a substantial rural population, which can face challenges in accessing timely and quality healthcare services. Rural residents might experience lower levels of education, income, and health insurance coverage, factors that impact cancer prevention and treatment options.

Another noteworthy factor affecting cancer rates in Wyoming is tobacco use. Smoking stands as a leading cause of preventable death and various cancers in the United States. The American Cancer Society reports that Wyoming ranks among the states with the highest smoking rates, with 18.7% of adults and 10.6% of high school students engaging in current cigarette use.

Smoking can also increase the risk of radon exposure, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can lead to lung cancer. Radon levels vary by location, with higher concentrations found in areas with specific soil and rock formations.

Which city in Wyoming has the highest cancer rates?

According to WCSP data, Cheyenne, the state’s capital and largest city, has the highest age-adjusted cancer incidence rate in Wyoming. From 2016 to 2020, Cheyenne reported an average annual rate of 457.9 cases per 100,000 population, surpassing both the state rate of 404.3 and the national rate of 442.3.

Additionally, Cheyenne exhibited the highest rates for specific cancer types, including lung and bronchus (54.7), prostate (129.8), bladder (25.1), kidney and renal pelvis (19.9), and thyroid (19.4). These rates significantly exceeded both state and national averages for these particular cancers.

What are the possible reasons for Cheyenne’s high cancer rates?

The exact reasons behind Cheyenne’s elevated cancer rates remain unclear, but several potential explanations align with known cancer risk factors. One factor could be Cheyenne’s geographical location and climate. Situated in southeastern Wyoming, at an elevation of 6,062 feet above sea level, Cheyenne receives more ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun than lower-altitude areas.

UV radiation can damage DNA and is associated with skin cancer, particularly melanoma. The city’s semi-arid climate, characterized by low humidity and high winds, can increase the risk of dehydration and skin damage.

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics may also play a role in Cheyenne’s cancer rates. Cheyenne, with a population of approximately 65,000, is more urbanized compared to most parts of Wyoming. Urban areas tend to have higher pollution levels, increased traffic, and more industrial activity, exposing residents to carcinogens and harmful substances.

Moreover, Cheyenne boasts a higher proportion of racial and ethnic minorities compared to the state average, with 15.6% Hispanic or Latino and 4.8% Black or African American residents. These groups may experience disparities in healthcare access, screening, and prevention services, along with higher rates of poverty, obesity, and chronic diseases.

How can Cheyenne reduce its cancer burden?

Reducing cancer rates in Cheyenne or any other city is a complex endeavor, but several steps can help lower the risk of cancer development and fatalities. Some of these measures include:

  1. Quitting smoking or avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke.
  2. Testing homes for radon and taking corrective actions if high levels are detected.
  3. Protecting skin from sun exposure by using sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and suitable clothing.
  4. Adopting a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  5. Limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding binge drinking.
  6. Maintaining a healthy weight and engaging in regular physical activity.
  7. Undergoing regular check-ups and screenings for various cancer types.
  8. Following the guidance of healthcare providers for prevention and treatment.
  9. Seeking support from family, friends, or community resources if diagnosed with cancer.


In conclusion, cancer is a multifaceted disease that affects individuals across diverse backgrounds. Wyoming’s distinct geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic features can influence its cancer burden, with Cheyenne, as the city with the highest cancer rates, being particularly affected. While the precise causes of these high rates remain uncertain, raising awareness, promoting healthy lifestyles, and ensuring healthcare access can collectively reduce the cancer burden in Cheyenne, leading to a healthier and happier city.


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